Unlike some other programs at CAC, the selfie program will be a part of your daily ABA therapy program. During treatment planning, parents and the BCBA will discuss appropriate self-care skills to begin working on depending on the client's needs and level of comprehension. Sensory restrictions will be taken into consideration and fun teaching methods will be implemented. Age-appropriate skills will be worked on when applicable, such as the application of deodorant or shaving. There are ways to teach self-care skills by breaking activities into small steps. Your BCBA will walk you through how to take these menial, yet important daily tasks and embed reinforcement.
Examples of self-care skills that can be worked on:
Examples of self-care skills that can be worked on:
- Hand washing
- Tooth brushing
- Household Chores
- Potty Training
- Self-Feeding
- Hygiene skills
“You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.”
― Abraham Lincoln