“ Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine. “ — Quote by Lord Byron, British author and poet.
“ Laughter is the best medicine “ is an old proverb and anecdotal evidence does confirm it. Laughter is therapy in so many ways. It has so many benefits including:
Laughing releases the happy hormones “endorphins” that make people feel positive and happier
Relief from pain or certain aches is a positive result thanks to laughing. So, keep at it.
Helps to build a stronger immune system
Helps to lower blood pressure.
Relieves stress and anxiety that affects us all
Besides the above-listed benefits, it also creates a conducive environment for learning, development, and self-growth. With laughter, good spirits, and cheer; whether at home, therapy, or school; the right atmosphere is created to encourage the child to learn instead of “ shutting down “ or having negative thoughts about a particular setting, person, or activity. This applies to all of us. Don’t we all learn more and better when the teacher/educator sets a light-hearted mood? If you wish for your child to learn and pick up faster social / life skills, it’s upon you to set the stage for a conducive environment. Research has been introducing a happiness measurement two and happiness is directly correlated with progress and success.
Laughter is a great way to connect and bond. Narrating a joke, watching a comedy film, or putting a humorous spin to an incident are great ways to lighten the mood and give the child a sense of comfort & security that makes them amiable to the fruits of learning that will aid them in their journey of life.
Some other ways to bring laughter and humor into the lives of children with ASD include:
Reading simple joke books out aloud in a social setting.
Encourage the narration of funny/humorous incidents that family members experienced in the day over dinner table etc
Placing comic strips and cartoons on the fridge/bulletin board in the child’s room.
Laughter, humor, and a positive environment in schools/therapy centers let your child feel loved and appreciated, and look forward to attending the same with gusto as the experience is quite positive and fun. With the right school/center and staff, a happy learning environment can be a reality beyond the confines of home and the informal social setting.
So, let’s resolve to create a happy environment for the child, where laughs and jokes rule the roost. Begin today, nourish it daily, and see your child bloom like they are meant to be. We end the blog with a simple and timeless joke. Cheers.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Tank who?
You’re welcome.
Remember keeping a sense of humor about your child's view on the world is also beneficial to caregivers to prevent caregiver burnout. Learn to laugh with them and enjoy how your child views the world.