Kid Friendly Household Chores for Developing Gross Motor Skills
by Ashley Lengyel
On 05 June, 2023
Household chores are a great way to get children involved in running the house, increase their self-worth, and foster an independent spirit that is useful as they transition into adults. These chores can be shared with family members or loved ones, resulting in bonding. With kid-friendly household chores, you can help the child be content and a proud member of the family.
Below is a selection of Kid Friendly Household Chores for Developing Gross Motor Skills:
Watering plants in the garden is a simple chore. For older or high-functioning kids, a popsicle stick with a color code that indicates how much water is needed is inserted into each plant/bed. Visual stories are essential for this chore.
Folding clothes after laundry. It's good to start them off with smaller items like innerwear, towels, napkins, and socks. Over time, they can move on to shorts, T-shirts, jeans, etc. Let them first do their own laundry and take on additional responsibilities for others in the household. They can stack them according to their preference—size or color.
Making their bed. Visual aids or videos online can guide them in making their bed. Small, simple steps mastered over time lead to results. And who doesn’t like a well-made bed?
Feeding the house pet. Whether you have a pooch, a tortoise, or a tank full of goldfish, getting the child involved in feeding or caring for the pets pays dividends. Children on the spectrum bond with animals, and caring for them increases their self-worth and sense of responsibility. It could be a chore as simple as putting the bird feed in the feeder or changing the water in the cat’s water bowl.
Helping with meal preparations. This chore can vary from child to child. Some kids can be taught to use knives and chop items into small pieces. Washing veggies and fruits, tossing the salad, and laying the table are all simple chores that can be burnished with time and patience.