“ Anything Is possible! If I can do it, so can you! “ – Quote by Ms. Dani Bowman, Animator, Illustrator, and Autism Advocate.
Do you know what these famous people have in common: Actor Dan Aykroyd, Film director Stanley Kubrick, Artist Andy Warhol, and Chess Grandmaster Bobby Fischer? Yes, they are all said to be on the spectrum.
It’s not very commonly known that people on the spectrum have their own unique strengths and abilities. Each person on the spectrum is unique in their own way with their own set of health issues, abilities, and challenges. No two people on the spectrum are alike just like the stripes of each Royal Bengal Tigers are distinct. While most of society focuses on the negatives of this intellectual disorder, we would like to highlight the positives. And yes, there are many positives that need to be known by all human beings. Let’s read about some of them.
Some begin to read at an early age and beyond their ability. This is known as Hyperlexia. It is described as a “splinter skill,” which means a unique skill that cannot be used much practically. It is however used by therapists as a tool in their treatment process.
Some have the ability to memorize and pick up information quickly.
Logical thinking ability is present in many on the spectrum. So, it’s not only the neurotypical who have this ability.
Some do well in academic areas such as science, engineering, and mathematics as these are technical and logical subjects, and don’t require social engagement as other subjects do.
Possessing a sharp memory. They are able to recall facts and figures, and so on after a considerable period of time.
They can be quite thorough with details and accuracy. It's hard to catch them on the wrong foot.
Honesty comes to them naturally. Honesty is a virtue that can never be underestimated.
They can be quite reliable and can be trusted to carry out tasks / activities, and so on.
They are known to possess a good sense of direction.
Punctuality is a trait all human beings must possess. People on the spectrum are known to be on time. We can all learn from them the importance of valuing the time of others.
They are law-abiding and like to follow rules & protocols.
They have the ability to focus for long periods of time when driven.
They are innocent and exhibit a sense of admiration/delight in small things, that most neurotypical take for granted or overlook.
We all need to recognize the talents, abilities, and strengths in everyone we know. Everyone is special in their own way and we need to celebrate this. Let’s be positive and look for the good in everyone. This way we create a better world for people on the spectrum and for those who are not.