Our experiences are all unique. Regardless, I do believe that it is important to find the beautiful. Recognize that there is bad, there is ugly, there is disrespect, there is ignorance and there are meltdowns. Those things are inevitable. But there is also good. Quote by Erin Mckinney, Child Mental Health Specialist.
Children or adults living with ASD face many challenges throughout their lives. Symptoms change or improve with time. Their capabilities vary with some completely dependent on family members/caregivers while others lead semi-independent lives. Each adult with an Autism Spectrum Disorder is unique and has their fair share of issues, problems, or situations. It is for us to find solutions to enhance their quality of life.
Please find below some tips for working with adults with Autism:
It is estimated that there are over *50000 individuals (children and adults) living with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Michigan state alone. The above-mentioned tips are just some of the ways we can all make the lives of those living with ASD serene, pleasurable, and comfortable. It is up to each one of us to step up and be the change we want to see in others.