Autism doesn’t have to define a person. Artists with autism are like anyone else: They define themselves through hard work and individuality.” – Quote by Adrienne Bailon, Artist.
Much is unknown about COVID-19 so far which is a lung disease is caused by a novel coronavirus first detected in late 2019. Most people who get sick with COVID-19 will develop mild to moderate respiratory symptoms. There is currently no specific treatment other than supportive care available. Most people recover from COVID-19 within a few weeks, but it can be life-threatening. There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. However, the most at risk include vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the young and those living with co-morbidities such as heart and lung diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes.
It is always therefore vital that these vulnerable sections of society stay at home in order to be safe. The less contact with people and the outside world in whole is the way to keep them well. Apart from keeping them safe at home, here are some other ways to help you and your child deal with the current health crisis.
It is important to focus on the emotional distress the current situation is causing to children with ASD. They need all the support as they face increased stress levels as well as lack of motivation to perform daily tasks on account of disruptions in daily routine such as going to centers for their ABA therapy or park for exercise time. Restricting outdoor visits are difficult from them to understand and can result in maladaptive behavior such as ‘meltdowns”. As parents and caregivers, all possible scenarios need to be considered and remedial actions prepared in case required.
Covid-19 pandemic is stressful for all of us and it is taking its toll in myriad ways on countries, communities and citizens. By following simple rules religiously we can keep ourselves, our children and our communities safe. It’s in our hands to being responsible citizens and parents especially those who have children have ASD and don’t adjust well to restrictions, uncertainty and stressful situations.